صور Caesars Palace

Awesome Fake Rome in Cesars Palace التي كتبها Jacob Surland

Las Vegas - city of extremes. While in principle I don't really like fake stuff, I must admit, that they do a pretty damn good job of it in Las Vegas. It might be a decadent, plastic world, but it still lakes awesome. Photo by: Jacob Surland, <a href="http://www.caughtinpixels.com" rel="nofollow">www.caughtinpixels.com</a>. Licensed Creative Commons, Non-Commercial, no derivatives v4.0.
Caesars Palace هي منطقة جذب سياحي، واحدة من Casinos في North Las Vegas ، United States . وهو موجود: 59 كم Henderson من, 59 كم Henderson من, 890 كم San Bernardino من. إقرأ المزيد
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